Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.

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Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.
Abogado Rafael Y Asociados.


(888) 854-9909


5170 Sepulveda Blvd # 350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, United States

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Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.
Abogado Rafael Y Asociados.


(888) 854-9909


5170 Sepulveda Blvd # 350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, United States

Age Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles

Fighting Age Discrimination | Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat | Protecting Your Rights

Discover how the Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat fights against age discrimination. Learn about your rights, legal support, and find answers to frequently asked questions. Protect your career and dignity with our expert guidance.

What Constitutes Age Discrimination at Work?

While age discrimination can occur in various ways, it commonly involves employees who are 40 and older being:
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Age Discrimination Lawyer Los Angeles - Raphael B. Hedwat
Age Discrimination Lawyer Los Angeles - Trusted legal advocate safeguarding workplace rights against age discrimination.

What is Age-Based Harassment?

The FEHA not only prohibits discrimination, but it also prohibits harassment based on an individual’s age. When an employer creates or enables the existence of an abusive, disrespectful, or threatening work environment that negatively impacts an employee’s capacity to execute his or her job, this is known as age harassment. Slurs, jokes, and unpleasant or insulting statements regarding a person’s age are the most typical forms of age-based harassment. Such remarks support an age discrimination claim while also giving rise to a second claim for age harassment. The corporation as well as the individual harasser may be held accountable for the harassment allegation.

Breaking Barriers: Age Discrimination Unveiled

Are you facing age discrimination in the workplace? It’s time to break the barriers. At the Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat, we fight against age discrimination and empower older workers to assert their rights. Don’t let age become a barrier to your career success and fulfillment.

Why Choose Los Angeles age discrimination Lawyer for Your age discrimination Needs?

It is essential to consult an age discrimination lawyer when you are facing age discrimination in the workplace. At the Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat, we have a team of experienced age discrimination lawyers who have extensive experience in representing employees. Our age discrimination lawyers offer empathetic legal professionals to understand the worker’s age, they often have concerns about facing discrimination in the workplace.

Get Legal Solutions for Aging with Our Age Discrimination Attorneys

Experiencing age discrimination in the workplace? Here is the solution. We have an experienced team of age discrimination attorneys who are committed to safeguarding your best interests. Our age discrimination attorneys are devoted to assisting victims of age discrimination in pursuing all available legal remedies to seek justice and the compensation to which they may be entitled.

How do I know if I was discriminated because of my age?

Discrimination can take many forms. For most employees, getting fired or laid off because of their age is the most harmful type of discrimination. However, any adverse or unlawful actions against an employee may be a form of discrimination. Age discrimination is established by showing that a job applicant’s age over 40 or employee’s age over 40 was considered in the denial of an employment benefit. Denied employment benefits in examples of age discrimination include:

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