Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.

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Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.
Abogado Rafael Y Asociados.

Raphael B. Hedwat | Lawyer Logo


(888) 854-9909


5170 Sepulveda Blvd # 350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, United States

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Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.
Abogado Rafael Y Asociados.


(888) 854-9909


5170 Sepulveda Blvd # 350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, United States

Work Automobile Injury Attorney

Best Automobile Injury Attorney In California

Most people associate automobile accident injuries with the use of vehicles for personal purposes. And while it is true that people are more likely to be injured when using their vehicle for personal reasons, injuries can also occur when a car or truck is used for business purposes. Workers’ compensation typically does not cover automobile accidents that occur on the way to or from the workplace. However, there are a few exceptions. Get Help From Automobile Injury Attorney.

for Automobile injury contact Raphael B. Hedwat

Top Attorneys For Automobile Injury Claims

The injuries that can occur when a vehicle is used for work-related purposes are on par with those that can occur in any other kind of auto accident. A startling number of people sustain injuries every year as a result of the door of a vehicle closing on them. However, injuries that are caused by the carelessness of another person are almost always the most severe. For instance, a sudden stop that is brought on by another vehicle swerving into the path of a vehicle can result in an injury to the spine or whiplash.

Feeling Safe on the Job Is Your Right.

Anyone who has suffered an on-the-job accident knows how scary it can be to worry about income while trying to rest and heal. Workers’ compensation benefits help employees spend more of their time focusing on recovery by giving them access to treatment. It also provides peace of mind for employees who know they will be receiving at least a large percentage of their wages.

These are the most common automobile-related injuries that may result from an automobile accident:

Automobile accident injury

California’s Expert Automobile Injury Lawyers

When a work-related auto accident occurs, the first step to take is to seek medical attention. It’s especially important to take this step with head injuries, possible spinal cord injuries, bone fractures, and any injury that has resulted in the loss of consciousness, sensation, or blood. If possible, key information should be obtained, such as witness info, license plate number if another vehicle was involved, and insurance information for other involved parties.

As soon as possible, report the incident to your employer so that it can be documented in company files. If the other driver was primarily at fault, workers’ compensation benefits are typically easier to obtain. It may be possible to submit a claim even if you were partially responsible. In some cases, an employer may be held liable for work-related injuries caused by an automobile accident. This could be feasible if:

The Power of Protection: Workers' Compensation Benefits and know How They Help

Workers’ compensation benefits help to cover all severe expenses such as medical treatment, ongoing care, lost wages, and disability benefits. In addition, worker’s compensation benefits ensure death benefits in case of work-related injury, such as funeral and burial expenses along with cash benefits for the worker’s family. However, these worker’s compensation benefits are not available when you get hurt by outside companies.

Maximum Compensation



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