Whistleblower protection laws shield employees from retaliation. Know your rights and how to report workplace misconduct safely.
Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.
A catastrophic injury is defined as one that affects one of the body’s major systems. It restricts, impairs, or halts the normal function of the brain, spinal cord, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, respiratory tract, or skin.
Specifically, a catastrophic injury is one that has a significant impact on the victim and his or her family. It frequently occurs without warning and may result in the victim’s permanent disability or untimely death.
When a person sustains a catastrophic injury, their movement, speech, sensation, and cognitive abilities are frequently impaired. As a result of their injuries, they are frequently unable to resume their normal routines and may experience a drastic change in how they must live their lives. Due to the fact that the injury was not their fault, they may be able to pursue legal action under their state’s personal injury or workers’ compensation laws.
Catastrophic injuries come in a variety of forms, all of which severely impact the lives of people who suffer them. Some of the most common catastrophic injuries include:
These injuries may prevent people from going to school, working, or otherwise functioning normally in society. They also put a severe strain on a family’s normal routine as well as its finances. People who suffer from catastrophic injuries could have reason to pursue legal action against the person or party responsible for their illness or injury.
Depending on the circumstances behind the catastrophic injury, you may have just cause to take legal action against the person or party that caused you to suffer the injury or illness. If you were hurt on the job, for example, you can file a workers’ compensation claim against your employer and pursue either temporary or permanent disability benefits. Likewise, if you were hurt as a result of medical malpractice, you could file a lawsuit against the medical provider responsible for your injury.
Before you take legal action and file either a workers’ compensation claim or a lawsuit, however, you may find it best to retain the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer. An attorney who specializes in this area of law will know what type of case you can pursue.
Catastrophic injuries severely impact the lives of people who suffer them, as well as their families. You can pursue legal compensation in court by filing a workers’ compensation claim against the person or party responsible for your injury.
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The FEHA not only prohibits discrimination, but it also prohibits harassment..
The most common form of elder abuse is neglect. In fact, data suggests that over 58% of…
The FEHA not only prohibits discrimination, but it also prohibits harassment..
5170 Sepulveda Blvd # 350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, United States
Whistleblower protection laws shield employees from retaliation. Know your rights and how to report workplace misconduct safely.
A catastrophic injury lawyer can help secure the compensation you need after a life-changing accident. Learn how to protect your…
A medical malpractice attorney in Orange County can help you navigate complex cases and secure compensation for harm.
A toxic exposure lawyer specializes in helping victims of hazardous exposure secure compensation for their injuries.