Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.

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Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.
Abogado Rafael Y Asociados.


(888) 854-9909


5170 Sepulveda Blvd # 350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, United States

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Law Office of Raphael B. Hedwat.
Abogado Rafael Y Asociados.


(888) 854-9909


5170 Sepulveda Blvd # 350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, United States

Workers Comp Delayed Claim
( Workers' Compensation 90-Day Rule)

contact Raphael B. Hedwat workers delayed claim lawyer

California Workers' Compensation 90-Day Rule

How often do you hear about someone who received an injury at work which caused any type of working disability? It happens every day and many people around you may be already stuck with the same problem, or could be the next in line. Eventually, this may happen to you. If you end up receiving a work related injury which caused you to be unable to work or perform other work duties, you are left with only a few options. One option is to seek professional help from a legal representative, and learn what can be done about your case. You will soon learn about workers compensation program, which is issued by the state and which serves to protect injured individuals from losing everything. These financial benefits will provide an injured individual with a small source of income, as well as one-time compensation for the lost wages and endured pain and stress. Call one of our knowledgeable lawyers at California Workers Compensation Lawyers today, and schedule your free initial consultation. Learn everything about Workers’ Compensation 90-Day Rule and find out how to submit an application in order to receive these state issued financial benefits.

Delayed Claim in Los Angeles

Normally, after receiving the injury, you should seek medical attention to ensure that you wounds are taken care of. Once the condition or the injury is stabilized, contact your superiors and let them know of your injury and how it took place. State the circumstances around your injury, what lead to an accident, who was involved and what the consequences are. If you have someone to prove your story, you are good to go. However, in some cases may be difficult to prove that the injury you acquired resulted from a work related accident, especially if the injury is carpal tunnel syndrome or other condition which can develop over time.

One you let your superiors know of your injury, they will file for your workers compensation claim. You will receive an answer from the Administration Board, stating whether or not your work comp claim was approved.

Workers' Compensation 90-Day Rule

Now that you know that you have nothing to lose yet everything to gain, why do you still hesitate to hire an attorney? Call us today, and schedule a free initial consultation with one of our available attorneys.

contact Raphael B. Hedwat workers delayed claim Attorney

We operate during business hours, so feel free to give us a call then, or write us an email if unable to call. You can also submit a web form application, and we will come back to you as soon as we receive it. You are not alone, and should not go alone through this long and complicated process. Let us help you secure what is legally owed to you. Don’t put yourself in position where you have to wait 90 days to see what happens next. Call us today at (888) 854-9909.

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